Wotka World Wide

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Perhaps these two guys are more similar than we realize... They have remarkably similar stands on a number of issues, at least according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. However, on many of theses issues, like offshore drilling, tax cuts for the middle class, and staying tough on terrorists in Afghanistan and abroad, Obama is following McCain's lead when formulating his policies. Obama has even softened considerably on the Iraq War, opposition to which was his central issue throughout his career prior to the current contest. Most Democrats even acknowledge that a US presence of some type will be required for some time, even if we do start withdrawing combat divisions on the ground, and even then Obama's withdrawal plan is only sounding on target now because of the success of the troop surge, which he stridently opposed, and doesn't mention anymore.

One of their biggest differences is on abortion, but Obama won't go there because questions about it are "above his pay grade", whatever that means. Obama knows strong majorities oppose abortion, and he doesn't want to answer directly for fear of hurting himself in the polls. Too bad most voters won't pay attention to his voting record when judging him. If they did, they would see that he has opposed even regulating "partial-birth" abortion (while in the Illinois statehouse), which puts him to the left of most in the pro-choice camp.

On the other side, McCain is a big believer in man-made climate change, and has even sponsored legislation to create a cap and trade system similar to Europe. But will he get credit for this from environmentalists? Not for a second. He also supports limited amnesty for illegals, another issue of the Democrats. Notice that these issues are surprisingly absent from the political discourse we are now hearing this election season. Instead, it is all about evil Bush. McCain is more like Bill Clinton than George W. Bush, while Obama would be more like a Jimmy Carter type president. Who would you rather have running the country? Especially with crazy Nancy Pelosi running things in the House? That far-left Democratic agenda could proceed unchecked under a Democratic president. I don't know why that doesn't scare more people. Democrtats w0uld pass enough stuff under a McCain presidency, do voters really want every Democratic pet project to become law, as would happen under Obama's leadership?


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