Obama and the mortgage meltdown crisis
This piece is the single most searing indictment of Barack Obama and all that he stands for that I have yet seen. Read it if you dare. Note how it is sourced and footnoted. Note how deep Obama is in all this mortgage meltdown mess. He represented ACORN in a suit against Citibank charging them with discriminatory lending back in the early 90s! It is that kind of policy, of suing banks to get them to write sub-prime mortgages, that started this whole thing on its unfortunate path. His Campaign Finance Chairwoman, Penny Pritzker, was a banker who helped introduce "the complicated investment bundling of subprime securities at the heart of the meltdown", ultimately causing the failure of the bank she ran. Obama trained ACORN activists. He was an adherent of Saul Alinsky, the original Radical Leftist organizer. He met so many times with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers devising ways to radicalize the educational agendas in this country. And the truly sad part is that all those people who were duped or coerced into mortgages that they could not afford will lose their homes. There are literally thousands of reasons to not vote for Barack Obama. Why aren't people paying attention!!!
At October 01, 2008 9:37 AM ,
Unknown said...
Your still preaching to your choir. Nothing in that article would convince an independent. Love the end of it, concerning congressional opposition to the bailout--
"God grant them the courage to stand up in the face of this Marxist tidal wave."
At October 01, 2008 3:43 PM ,
Michael Wotka said...
And I suppose you represent independents nowadays. How do you square these things with yourself? Do you just pretend that they are right-wing smears? I don't see you trying to disprove anything contained therein. Do you just not care about Obama's radical associations? Do you think it is ok that he helped cause the sub-prime mortgage meltdown? Does it matter that billionaire Penny Pritzker literally helped to create the sub-prime mortgage securities, and now is Obama's Campaign Finance Chair? And you want to put them in charge? The only reason it isn't convincing to independents is because the mainstream press won't report the facts. And when they do, it is buried on page 24. How do you resolve these cognitive dissonances and keep that man hanging on your house? You really think he deserves such adulation? Why?
At October 05, 2008 7:01 PM ,
Michael Wotka said...
Still waiting for that elegant defense of Obama's behavior...
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