Wotka World Wide

Thursday, November 20, 2008

European support for Kyoto on the wane? The Germans and Italians have agreed "that measures to cut greenhouse gases shouldn't weigh on the economy", according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Wonder if this will impact the thinking of our government in the US? Considering the Republican candidate was the one recently proposing a cap and trade carbon restriction system, and Obama has indicated support for such a system, it looks like our leaders are determined to take us down this road, even as the European are realizing the futility of such measures. When you consider that the EU nations passed Kyoto, but have been totally unable to actually meet any of the agreed upon cuts, while the US rejected signing on, and our emissions have decreased over the same period, it would be fair to ask why our leaders are so intent on following this course. It just goes to show that the appearance of action is far more important to those in Washington than what will actually solve the problem.


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