Wotka World Wide

Monday, December 29, 2008

Should India defuse their strained relations with Pakistan by relinquishing control of Kashmir? There is some logic in this, but it would have to be in a way that recognizes the rights of both sides that live in the region. This would also allow Pakistan to direct more of their forces towards their northern border with Afghanistan and the Waziristan region, but the question is, would they actually do this. and risk angering the more devout segments of their population? Both sides definitely need to stop letting the actions of a few crazed militants determine their military alert status, as that could lead both sides into an unnecessary war, as nearly happened recently with the escalating accusatory rhetoric over the Mumbai attacks. It seems the best impediment to war is currently both sides lack of readiness and preparation when it comes to military operations, especially not surprising given India's response to the attackers in Mumbai.


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