Wotka World Wide

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama is mobilizing advocacy groups to push his "progressive" agenda. Of course, these groups are heavily funded by billionaires like George Soros, Bill Gates, the Sandlers and the like. But they know what is best for the rest of us, right? How come no one ever notices that these super-rich give their money to these groups as charitable donations (so they get the tax write-off) to push their social engineering, but then they want everyone else to pay for it. Funny how that works. Just like Warren Buffett being a major estate tax advocate, and then donating his entire fortune to Bill Gates' foundation. If he was so sold on the government fixing things for everyone, don't you think he would do his patriotic duty and donate it all to the government? Everyone calls the Republicans the party of the rich, but all the super-rich are all major Democrats and advocacy group donors. Funny how that works.


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