Wotka World Wide

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Minnesota woman who lost an RIAA lawsuit goes back for seconds. This time with a bad-ass new legal team. Sounds like fun to me! An example of their tactics:

But the defense did manage to create at least a headache for the music labels by demanding that they produce certified copies from the U.S. Copyright Office of the copyrights on the 24 tracks in question, to prove they really do own the songs.

The industry's lawyers were caught by surprise, having gotten by with uncertified copies during the first trial. Although music companies told Davis this past Monday they weren't sure they could get certified copies in time for the new trial, Davis reminded them that they had the burden of proving they owned the copyrights. Camara said he'll seek dismissal of the case if the plaintiffs fail that test.

Wish these guys had been around when this all started.


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