George Will on Climate Science Tantrums:
Now when will the U.S. media actually start giving this story coverage? The European media is actually way ahead here on performing the duties of a reporter and investigating these claims.
Global warming alarmists, long cosseted by echoing media, manifest an interesting incongruity — hysteria and name-calling accompanying serene assertions about the "settled science" of climate change. Were it settled, we would be spared the hyperbole that amounts to Ring Lardner's "Shut up, he explained."The global warming industry, like Alexander in the famous children's story, is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Actually, a bad three months, which began Nov. 19 with the publication of e-mails indicating attempts by scientists to massage data and suppress dissent in order to strengthen "evidence" of global warming.
But there already supposedly was a broad, deep and unassailable consensus. Strange.
And the hits keep coming for climate change science, with studies being discredited almost weekly now. Which makes the believers sound more and more like a cult as the days go by. Their increasingly ostentatious plans for more conferences on global warming, in places like Bali and Mexico later this year, further highlights their own hypocrisy. Of course, I wouldn't want to lose a free vacation via private jet at government expense either...
Now when will the U.S. media actually start giving this story coverage? The European media is actually way ahead here on performing the duties of a reporter and investigating these claims.
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