More Gorelick nonsense...
Ah, Jamie Gorelick. How much damage can one person do to her country? Quite a lot, it seems. She is the infamous originator of the Wall that was erected between domestic and foreign agencies in the mid 1990s, a directive she issued while served as the Deputy Attorney General for President Clinton, mainly to prevent the FBI from working with the CIA to investigate the illegal Chinese political contributions that were pervasive under Clinton's tenure, Johnny Chung being the most notable example. That Wall has since been seen as one of the primary causes of 9/11, preventing investigators from following up on links in the months before the attack. In 1997, Gorelick began as an executive at Fannie May, staying until 2003. In 2004, Fannie's fraudulent, Enronesque accounting practices came to light, with top executives earning maximum bonuses for cooking the books to hit specific targets for earnings. How she avoided prosecution for this, I do not know. So now we taxpayers have to bail out Fannie Mae(even more than normal, since it is already heavily subsidized), in part to cover Gorelick's millions in ill-gotten bonuses. And yet somehow she was also deemed worthy of inclusion on the 9/11 Commission, a fact that irks me even now when I think about it. Now she is working to defend Duke University against the lawsuits from the fraternity men accused of rape, since they were basically presumed guilty and expelled by the university for their conduct with no evidence. She must feel great about what she has done with her career... More information of this subject can be found at the Volokh Conspiracy.
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