City goverment run amok?
Milwaukee is pursuing an unpaid parking ticket by foreclosing on a man's house. The $50 fine has increased to $2,645 with interest and penalties. Got to love those city administrators! Really seems especially cruel and unusual when you read that he "has been diagnosed with psychological disorders that limit his "ability to understand, remember and carry out detailed instructions," according to documents from the administration. In addition he suffers from chronic pain caused by degenerative diseases of the knees and spine, as well as chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and obesity, among other ailments." Throw in the fact that he is/was sole caregiver for his elderly parents (the man is 62), and you wonder if these city officials are just completely heartless. All for having an unlicensed van parked in his driveway, because the radiator had gone out, and he hadn't had time to fix it. Even the judge in the case is to blame; he recognizes that a criminal in this situation would have had an attorney appointed immediately and gotten good advice, but since this is civil litigation, the man is responsible for his own defense. For shame Milwaukee! Yet another example of government power run amok. In St. Louis, they would have just repossessed his car and sold it, but Milwaukee is apparently much greedier. Wish there was some way to help pay this man's fine for him... Via Drudge.
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