Wotka World Wide

Monday, August 04, 2008

St. Louis - You all don't even know what you're missing!

Lots of interesting things happen in St. Louis.

Of note this weekend, we had the great "World Naked Bike Ride" to protest dependence on oil.

Our corrupt police forces have also made their way into the news again. First off, in the police impound lot scandal, which has already led to the resignation of the police chief, the Post-Dispatch has published a nice story about one of the people who had her car seized by the police, who told her it was totaled, and then turned around and sold it to the chief's daughter for super cheap. I hope the Feds come down on them hard, and clean up this dirty police force.

And finally, in St. Louis County, in the township of Wellston, we have the amazing spectacle of former and current police chiefs brawling, and apparently drawing guns on each other. The mayor apparently tried to break it up, and had a heart attack. It would be funnier if it wasn't true.


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