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Sunday, August 31, 2008

What is there to hide?

John Fund wonders why Obama is concealing so much about himself, with his campaign smearing or obstructing those who try and find things out about his past. These are legitimate questions. Candidates for President shouldn't be so secretive, as it makes them seem like they have something to hide. It is like John Kerry and his military records. You can't claim military heroism and then refuse to release the details. But Obama claims he destroyed virtually all paperwork or correspondence from his tenure in the Illinois statehouse. He refuses to fully release all documents relating to his housing deal with the corrupt and now convicted Tony Rezko. No one really knows what he did as a community organizer. And he was remarkably good at avoiding any policy or political statements while teaching law. Even his Senate tenure has been marked by an unusual number of "NV" votes (this stands for Not Voting, Excused, Absent, or Present). This has been especially true this year owing to the election, but also in years past to some degree, especially on certain issues, like abortion, defense, foreign affairs, energy policy, and even on issues like welfare and poverty. Oddly enough, he was on record for practically every appropriations bill, by far his most attended voting issue. Some other issues heavily voted include immigration, labor, and Iraq War issues, which of course make up some of his biggest supporters now. You can check out his record for yourself at Votesmart.org. I just don't get how this guy is such a change from everything we have already seen from liberal politicians.


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