Sarah Palin on ABC
Watched her interview tonight, and I thought she did pretty good. I was more annoyed at Charles Gibson's condescending tone and attitude towards her. It was like he was trying to play "gotcha" with her, but I don't think he really "got her" on any one issue. I thought some of her responses were a bit scripted, but she has no doubt been preparing for her first major interview, so I can understand it a bit. I'd like to see any of the other three candidates get a grilling like that. Charles Gibson interviewed Obama last year, and it was one softball question after another. Like "Did you just know?" when he first met Michelle. No question anywhere near that level for Sarah Palin. And there is so much unknown about Obama, that he won't even answer questions about. Like his stance on abortion, for one. Sarah told you hers, and emphasized that she knows there are other opinions. Then there is Obama's involvement with the Daley political machine. And his involvement with Bill Ayers, from whose house he announced his Illinois state Senate campaign. And Jeremiah Wright, for twenty years he was in the pews! And the Rezko real estate connections. Or even his early life in Indonesia. Let's see ABC News visit Obama's elementary school in Indonesia! But they are afraid what they will see, or what America will see. So why do we need to visit Sarah Palin's high school and ask her tricky questions in between asking her how many points she scored in a basketball game in 1982? He tried to trick her with his question about the "Bush doctrine" but he doesn't even know what it is himself. And don't take my word for it, this is from the man who actually articulated all four versions of it, Charles Krauthammer. Gibson was the one looking ignorant, despite his haughtiness. Palin came across as a hard working mother that wants to make her country better, just like she did in Wasilla as mayor and in Alaska as governor. ABC News came across as an organization that wanted to trip up Sarah Palin, and didn't mind heavily editing the answers to make it look like they did.
The problem for Obama, and for the media organizations that are pushing him, is that the American people are seeing through the bias. There are so many information outlets, that the talking heads can't sell the public on an issue like they used to. And this Gibson interview just reinforces it. Where are the hard questions for Joe Biden? What about his plagiarism that knocked him out of the 1988 Presidential campaign? He says it was a slip-up, but people get kicked out of college for that "slip-up". The Bidens just released the last ten years of their tax records, and even though they made over $200,000 every year, they never gave even $1000 to charity in a single year. That would be a good question for Joe Biden. "Why don't you give to charity?" But we won't see it. Ask yourself why there is such bias. The media has already lost this campaign. The question is can Obama and Biden still salvage it despite the talking heads' obvious bias. I'm not worried about McCain and Palin. Americans love an underdog. The candidates know what to expect, and they are fighting every step of the way. And women voters see it too. That is why there has been a 15% swing in female voters from Obama to McCain. Remember those soccer moms we used to hear so much about? Well, they don't like seeing one of their own pushed around. It will be exciting to watch the next few months...
The problem for Obama, and for the media organizations that are pushing him, is that the American people are seeing through the bias. There are so many information outlets, that the talking heads can't sell the public on an issue like they used to. And this Gibson interview just reinforces it. Where are the hard questions for Joe Biden? What about his plagiarism that knocked him out of the 1988 Presidential campaign? He says it was a slip-up, but people get kicked out of college for that "slip-up". The Bidens just released the last ten years of their tax records, and even though they made over $200,000 every year, they never gave even $1000 to charity in a single year. That would be a good question for Joe Biden. "Why don't you give to charity?" But we won't see it. Ask yourself why there is such bias. The media has already lost this campaign. The question is can Obama and Biden still salvage it despite the talking heads' obvious bias. I'm not worried about McCain and Palin. Americans love an underdog. The candidates know what to expect, and they are fighting every step of the way. And women voters see it too. That is why there has been a 15% swing in female voters from Obama to McCain. Remember those soccer moms we used to hear so much about? Well, they don't like seeing one of their own pushed around. It will be exciting to watch the next few months...
At September 14, 2008 1:50 AM ,
Unknown said...
More fuel for the fire--
(and SNL if you happened to watch it)
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