An Open Letter to an Obama Supporter
Since you have no problem sharing your personal views with me, I hope you can take the time to read and consider mine. This "hope and change" you are discussing is an illusion. It is a campaign strategy created by David Axelrod. It was used successfully to get Deval Patrick elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2006. Since then, he has not delivered, he has low approval ratings, and he has done nothing he promised. Why should we believe Obama now? It is just a marketing campaign, with a likeable, albeit unvetted, candidate. The amount of ignorance and denial over Obama's background is staggering. I don't know about you, but when I went to Emory, I did not seek out the Socialist and Marxist professors, but that is what Barack says he did in his own book (nor would I brag about it, esp. if running for Pres.). He cites a known Communist professor as one of his major early mentors. He has been strongly supported by numerous anti-Semites, including Edward Said (former Columbia professor, also good friend of Bill Ayers), Khalid Rashidi (former PLO operative, why won't the LA Times release the tape of Barack toasting him?), Khalid al-Mansour (helped Barack get into Harvard, try youtubing him to see his views on Jews), Father Pfleger, Jeremiah Wright ("Israel is a dirty word, AmeriKKKA"), Louis Farrakan ("Judaism is a gutter religion, Barack gave 26,000 to Wright's church last year, and they gave a lifetime achievement award to this guy; Barack was at the ceremony). Then there is former radical Bill Ayers, who picked Obama to head up the Annenberg Challenge so they could distribute funds to orgs like ACORN, Barack shared offices with him for years, and essentially launched his political career at Ayers house. Add in Ayer's wife, Bernadine Dohrn, who was on the FBI's Top Ten most wanted list for years. With these associations, Obama wouldn't qualify for the FBI or the Secret Service.
Then you get onto his politics and beliefs. He has done nothing but vote against tax cuts throughout his career, but now we are supposed to believe his promises of tax cuts. Bill Clinton promised a middle class tax cut in 1992, but reneged and instead raised taxes. That lost him Congress in 1994. Hope Barack remembers that if he wins. Barack proposes slashing the defense budget drastically, while eliminating missile defense. What is Israel supposed to do when Iran shoots a nuke missile at them? Oh, right, we are more concerned about the opinions of everyone else in the Middle East, like Syria(dictatorhip), Iran(religious dictatorship, endorses Obama), Saudis (exporting militant Islam all over the globe, women have no rights), Russia(ex-KGB dictatorship), Libya (dictator Qaddafi endorses Obama), the Palestinians (endorse Obama), etc. That is suicide for the free world. It is called appeasement. See how well it worked in 1938. Obama promises to invade a nuclear-armed Pakistan to find bin Laden? That is insane. How about health care? Europe countries are currently trying to find ways to reduce their health and pension obligations, as the governments cannot afford their own programs while they are flooded with immigrants seeking free benefits, and they must have very high business and income taxation to support it, which greatly harms their economies. And we are rushing towards that here? Where will the money come from? The richest 10% already pay like 90% of the taxes. Why are we punishing success? Obama and Biden brag about their plans to cut taxes for everyone making under a certain rate, but in the last month that level has been variously $250,000, $$150,000, and $100,000. Then they want to raise capital gains taxes 5%, raise the corporate tax rate, and let the Bush tax cuts expire. In this economy, that is insanity, and I would love for someone to tell me otherwise and why. The fact is everyone will be getting higher taxes to support all these grandiose plans. I mean, tax oil companies' profits? That is so silly. It has been done before, in the 1980s, and it was abandoned because the companies cut production and ended up passing the costs along to the consumer. Same thing will happen again. Then you get to Obama's statements, which just came out in the last week, from that 2001 interview on Chicago public radio, where he is discussing how there are too many limits in the Constitution, and it makes it very hard to deal with the problem of income inequality. Hmmmm, do you know what socialist means anymore? Does anyone?
And are you just going to ignore Obama's role in the sub-prime meltdown? Everyone blames Bush for "deregulation", but someone tell me exactly what was deregulated in the last 8 years that caused this? Meanwhile, Bush and McCain BOTH pushed plans that would have closely regulated Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government backed agencies that guarantee over half the mortgages in the country. Who stopped those efforts? The Democrats on Capitol Hill. Then you had Barack in the 1990s, representing ACORN in a suit against Citibank, charging them with not making enough sub-prime loans. That is what ACORN does, plain and simple. They have advocated for banks to issue sub-prime loans, often with no money down and adjustable(ballooning) rates so everyone can have a home, regardless of whether they can afford it. Anyone think that had something to do with the current mortgage crisis? I sure do. And we are supposed to accept one of their former leaders and trainers? Sounds fishy to me.
Then you have John McCain, a moderate Republican. He supports immigration reform(against the wishes of his party), action on the environment(again, against his party), and he twice voted against Bush tax cuts because he felt they benefited the rich too much. He has worked across the aisle on numerous occasions. You say Obama and Biden will "change the tone", but when have they ever worked with the other side on anything significant or controversial? All they do is accuse their critics of racism. How is that changing the tone? How is paying more taxes patriotic? Especially from a man like Biden, who hasn't donated even one-half of one percent of his income to charity in the last ten years. And he makes 200K a year! McCain promises an honorable end to the Iraq War, rather than cutting and running like we did in Vietnam when people got tired of it (a move which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths). Why is that so bad? Shouldn't someone be keeping an eye on Iran, Syria, et al? And then Obama wants to "renegotiate" NAFTA. Is he nuts? Canada and Mexico are our biggest trading partners. Meanwhile, Barack helped oppose a free trade agreement with Colombia, our ally against Hugo Chavez in Venezuela(also an Obama endorser). That makes no sense. How is trade protectionism good for our economy? Try looking up how the Smoot-Hawley trade tariffs prolonged the Great Depression. And now they are a good idea? McCain is a free trade enthusiast. He is also a national hero, who proved he valued his country over himself when he turned down an early release from the Hanoi Hilton and refused to sign false statements against his country, even when he knew he would be severely tortured(one reason why he has trouble using a computer, he can't type from having his hands broken). Where has Barack Obama ever showed character like that?
I too am ready to get past the Bush years, but despite Obama's claims, McCain is very different than GWB, and I think represents a significant departure from his style of leadership. People around the world know where he stands on issues, which is a good thing. It is called peace through strength. Obama wants to sit down and talk with our enemies. That is not a change we need. Iran has already issued preconditions for such talks, in that they won't discuss their nuclear program. What else is there to say?
I hope you can see some of my points, and I hope you will take the time to google some of this stuff on the internet and check it out for yourself if you do not believe me. I stand by everything I have said here, as it is all true, even though most Obama supporters just pretend like it isn't. But I can't stick my head in the sand just because someone looks good and sounds intelligent. I need to look at their past actions and records and that has shown me that John McCain is FAR more suited to be President than Barack Obama. I only hope reason and good sense can prevail in America in the next few days, as the Democrats controlling our government could cause irreparable harm to our domestic budget and foreign policy objectives for years to come.
Mike Wotka
Since you have no problem sharing your personal views with me, I hope you can take the time to read and consider mine. This "hope and change" you are discussing is an illusion. It is a campaign strategy created by David Axelrod. It was used successfully to get Deval Patrick elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2006. Since then, he has not delivered, he has low approval ratings, and he has done nothing he promised. Why should we believe Obama now? It is just a marketing campaign, with a likeable, albeit unvetted, candidate. The amount of ignorance and denial over Obama's background is staggering. I don't know about you, but when I went to Emory, I did not seek out the Socialist and Marxist professors, but that is what Barack says he did in his own book (nor would I brag about it, esp. if running for Pres.). He cites a known Communist professor as one of his major early mentors. He has been strongly supported by numerous anti-Semites, including Edward Said (former Columbia professor, also good friend of Bill Ayers), Khalid Rashidi (former PLO operative, why won't the LA Times release the tape of Barack toasting him?), Khalid al-Mansour (helped Barack get into Harvard, try youtubing him to see his views on Jews), Father Pfleger, Jeremiah Wright ("Israel is a dirty word, AmeriKKKA"), Louis Farrakan ("Judaism is a gutter religion, Barack gave 26,000 to Wright's church last year, and they gave a lifetime achievement award to this guy; Barack was at the ceremony). Then there is former radical Bill Ayers, who picked Obama to head up the Annenberg Challenge so they could distribute funds to orgs like ACORN, Barack shared offices with him for years, and essentially launched his political career at Ayers house. Add in Ayer's wife, Bernadine Dohrn, who was on the FBI's Top Ten most wanted list for years. With these associations, Obama wouldn't qualify for the FBI or the Secret Service.
Then you get onto his politics and beliefs. He has done nothing but vote against tax cuts throughout his career, but now we are supposed to believe his promises of tax cuts. Bill Clinton promised a middle class tax cut in 1992, but reneged and instead raised taxes. That lost him Congress in 1994. Hope Barack remembers that if he wins. Barack proposes slashing the defense budget drastically, while eliminating missile defense. What is Israel supposed to do when Iran shoots a nuke missile at them? Oh, right, we are more concerned about the opinions of everyone else in the Middle East, like Syria(dictatorhip), Iran(religious dictatorship, endorses Obama), Saudis (exporting militant Islam all over the globe, women have no rights), Russia(ex-KGB dictatorship), Libya (dictator Qaddafi endorses Obama), the Palestinians (endorse Obama), etc. That is suicide for the free world. It is called appeasement. See how well it worked in 1938. Obama promises to invade a nuclear-armed Pakistan to find bin Laden? That is insane. How about health care? Europe countries are currently trying to find ways to reduce their health and pension obligations, as the governments cannot afford their own programs while they are flooded with immigrants seeking free benefits, and they must have very high business and income taxation to support it, which greatly harms their economies. And we are rushing towards that here? Where will the money come from? The richest 10% already pay like 90% of the taxes. Why are we punishing success? Obama and Biden brag about their plans to cut taxes for everyone making under a certain rate, but in the last month that level has been variously $250,000, $$150,000, and $100,000. Then they want to raise capital gains taxes 5%, raise the corporate tax rate, and let the Bush tax cuts expire. In this economy, that is insanity, and I would love for someone to tell me otherwise and why. The fact is everyone will be getting higher taxes to support all these grandiose plans. I mean, tax oil companies' profits? That is so silly. It has been done before, in the 1980s, and it was abandoned because the companies cut production and ended up passing the costs along to the consumer. Same thing will happen again. Then you get to Obama's statements, which just came out in the last week, from that 2001 interview on Chicago public radio, where he is discussing how there are too many limits in the Constitution, and it makes it very hard to deal with the problem of income inequality. Hmmmm, do you know what socialist means anymore? Does anyone?
And are you just going to ignore Obama's role in the sub-prime meltdown? Everyone blames Bush for "deregulation", but someone tell me exactly what was deregulated in the last 8 years that caused this? Meanwhile, Bush and McCain BOTH pushed plans that would have closely regulated Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government backed agencies that guarantee over half the mortgages in the country. Who stopped those efforts? The Democrats on Capitol Hill. Then you had Barack in the 1990s, representing ACORN in a suit against Citibank, charging them with not making enough sub-prime loans. That is what ACORN does, plain and simple. They have advocated for banks to issue sub-prime loans, often with no money down and adjustable(ballooning) rates so everyone can have a home, regardless of whether they can afford it. Anyone think that had something to do with the current mortgage crisis? I sure do. And we are supposed to accept one of their former leaders and trainers? Sounds fishy to me.
Then you have John McCain, a moderate Republican. He supports immigration reform(against the wishes of his party), action on the environment(again, against his party), and he twice voted against Bush tax cuts because he felt they benefited the rich too much. He has worked across the aisle on numerous occasions. You say Obama and Biden will "change the tone", but when have they ever worked with the other side on anything significant or controversial? All they do is accuse their critics of racism. How is that changing the tone? How is paying more taxes patriotic? Especially from a man like Biden, who hasn't donated even one-half of one percent of his income to charity in the last ten years. And he makes 200K a year! McCain promises an honorable end to the Iraq War, rather than cutting and running like we did in Vietnam when people got tired of it (a move which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths). Why is that so bad? Shouldn't someone be keeping an eye on Iran, Syria, et al? And then Obama wants to "renegotiate" NAFTA. Is he nuts? Canada and Mexico are our biggest trading partners. Meanwhile, Barack helped oppose a free trade agreement with Colombia, our ally against Hugo Chavez in Venezuela(also an Obama endorser). That makes no sense. How is trade protectionism good for our economy? Try looking up how the Smoot-Hawley trade tariffs prolonged the Great Depression. And now they are a good idea? McCain is a free trade enthusiast. He is also a national hero, who proved he valued his country over himself when he turned down an early release from the Hanoi Hilton and refused to sign false statements against his country, even when he knew he would be severely tortured(one reason why he has trouble using a computer, he can't type from having his hands broken). Where has Barack Obama ever showed character like that?
I too am ready to get past the Bush years, but despite Obama's claims, McCain is very different than GWB, and I think represents a significant departure from his style of leadership. People around the world know where he stands on issues, which is a good thing. It is called peace through strength. Obama wants to sit down and talk with our enemies. That is not a change we need. Iran has already issued preconditions for such talks, in that they won't discuss their nuclear program. What else is there to say?
I hope you can see some of my points, and I hope you will take the time to google some of this stuff on the internet and check it out for yourself if you do not believe me. I stand by everything I have said here, as it is all true, even though most Obama supporters just pretend like it isn't. But I can't stick my head in the sand just because someone looks good and sounds intelligent. I need to look at their past actions and records and that has shown me that John McCain is FAR more suited to be President than Barack Obama. I only hope reason and good sense can prevail in America in the next few days, as the Democrats controlling our government could cause irreparable harm to our domestic budget and foreign policy objectives for years to come.
Mike Wotka
At October 30, 2008 5:15 PM ,
Merge Divide said...
Mr. Wotka,
Why is it necessary for you to lie when you make your political point?
"It was used successfully to get Deval Patrick elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2006. Since then, he has not delivered, he has low approval ratings"
As of 10/22/08, Patrick had a 51% overall approval rating. 70% among Democrats.
"It is just a marketing campaign, with a likeable (sic), albeit unvetted, candidate."
Obama's been in this presidential race for almost two entire years. That's plenty of time for the Right Wing Propaganda Machine to dig up every criticism possible, no matter how distorted or misleading.
"With these associations, Obama wouldn't qualify for the FBI or the Secret Service."
"He has done nothing but vote against tax cuts throughout his career"
Obama voted for a 2005 Bush-backed energy bill which included $11.4 billion for corporations developing alternative energy and efficiency programs.
"Obama promises to invade a nuclear-armed Pakistan to find bin Laden?"
Obama said that he would cross the Afgani/Pakistan border in order to strike at Al Qaeda of Musharraf was unable or unwilling to help the US in combating terrorists.
"The richest 10% already pay like 90% of the taxes."
The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. They should actually pay more, because 69% of all nonhome wealth is concentrated in the top 5% of households (SOURCE).
"I mean, tax oil companies' profits? That is so silly. It has been done before, in the 1980s, and it was abandoned because the companies cut production and ended up passing the costs along to the consumer. Same thing will happen again"
The cost of gasoline actually went down after the 1980's tax on oil profits.
"Then they want to raise capital gains taxes 5%"
This is only for those making over $250,000 a year. If Obama does this, it will still be a third less that the percentage Reagan set in 1986 for that bracket.
"Barack proposes slashing the defense budget drastically, while eliminating missile defense."
Actually, Obama did promise to eliminate one single missile defense program that has never worked, but it is McCain who has promised to make substantial cuts to defense in order to finance his corporate tax breaks.
That's a handful of lies, and I've only got time for the obvious ones. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to confront them all. You probably won't post this response anyway.
At October 31, 2008 1:16 AM ,
Michael Wotka said...
Ha ha, what a hackjob response. You should look up what a lie is, because you don't know what one is.
For Deval Patrick, the man won by over twenty percent over his opponent, with over two-thirds of the vote. So fifty percent is considerably less. Maybe not "low", but certainly not good. And the fact is, they have gone up since he has started working together with the Democratic leadership in Boston. He was way down last year.
If Obama has been so thoroughly vetted, then why is the LA Times refusing to release the tape of Obama toasting anti-Semite Khalid Rashidi? Why is wikipedia blocking his page until after the election? Why is the NYT defending Obama in print while not printing hardly any of the major criticism against him? And he has been in the Senate for two years, AND running for President? Sounds like that is why he couldn't be bothered to vote on over half the bills before the Senate.
As for the FBI, have you ever known anyone in the service or who has applied? They do some very extensive background checks, along with a lie detector exam. Factor in Obama's obvious lies about his associations with Ayers, and they would flag and deny his application for sure. I've known people blocked for less. And in your Snopes article, kinda funny how they dismiss the former army intelligence officers opinion while taking the advice of two lawyers. Typical. You would think they might ask someone in the Bureau or the Secret Service for a real opinion? I've talked to an agent about it. He agreed with the idea Obama wouldn't stand a chance if he faced an actual clearance exam.
As for tax cuts, voting for green energy incentives in an energy bill are NOT tax cuts. And funny how you come up with one instance for a guy that voted for dozens of tax increases. That is seriously funny. Obama never met a tax increase he didn't like, and his tax plan is a bunch of lies. The upper bracket cut-off has changed three times in the last month, from 250K to 150K to 100K. They can't even stay consistent on their lies.
For invading Pakistan, look up the transcript the 2nd debate, where he claimed he would follow bin Laden into Pakistan, right after he declared he never said he would invade. Well, if you send troops in to "get someone", that is an invasion, plain and simple. He has said this multiple times.
So I was a little off on taxes. I sure didn't say exactly, I said like, so I wouldn't call that a lie. And meanwhile the top 1% pay nearly 40%. Does it really make sense to have half the country receive monetary benefits from the government but pay NO taxes? Does that sound sustainable long term to you? And how are tax increases going to help us get out of this financial downturn? You mix apples and oranges with your claim about where wealth is concentrated. Income taxes are quite different from taxes on wealth, which really only happen with estate taxes. You just want to tax what everyone possesses every year then?
As for gasoline, you know why gasoline prices went down? We started buying it elsewhere, from countries that don't always have the environmental safeguards we do. And if it was so effective, why was it repealed? By the Democrats in Congress, I might add.
Capital gains taxes, again you have to believe Obama's figures from his "plan", and what will happen to that plan in the US Congress. I would bet it doesn't happen, just like Clinton promised a middle-class tax cut in 1992, reneged and increased taxes for all, and promptly lost Congress in 1994. And this canard about Reagan and capital gains rates, I have seen this trotted out by multiple Obama fans in other commentary. Are you getting that from an Obama talking points sheet? You truly know nothing about which you speak. Are you aware income tax rates for the highest bracket were 70% in the late 1970s and capital gains taxes were 49%. Reagan drastically lowered all rates, while working with a Democratic Congress mostly. So Reagan cutting taxes is comparable to Obama increasing them? Good try.
Barack on defense:
Refute that.
So if those are the "obvious" ones, I'd love to hear the rest of your ramblings. I made one semi-mistake in the whole list. Hardly the series of lies you claim. Again, you should look up what a lie is, before you start running your mouth off about things you haven't got a clue about.
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