Wotka World Wide

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Looking at Signs Pointing to a McCain Victory, at The American Thinker. Of particular note, the phenomenon of Democrats for McCain, with many notable Democrats endorsing John McCain and appearing at rallies for him, and even articulating why his world view is dangerous. This has been significantly under-reported. Joe Lieberman isn't exactly a centrist or right-leaning Democrat, but everyone ignores his endorsement of McCain. Also, the news that the supposed 1.3 million new voters registered by ACORN has been slashed by 800,000. So much for that influx of new voters. Add in the massive oversampling of Democrats in major polls (does anyone really think there are 25% more Democrats than Republicans in this country, after the last two incredibly close elections?). Taken together, I think John McCain has much more reason for optimism than you will see acknowledged on nightly news programs and in national papers. He stands a solid chance of winning Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida, all of which make a win for Obama very difficult. It will be an interesting stretch run to Nov. 4th, no doubt.


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