So what does the "change" Obama keeps promising actually mean? Well, if he wins and the Democrats win a 60 seat majority on the Senate, they will be able to override any Republican filibuster and pass a whole host of legislation that leftist Democrats have been drooling over for years. The Wall Street Journal does a good job going through what is at stake. This list includes Medicare for all as a prelude to universal health insurance, defunding of the Iraq War (how do you think we lost Vietnam? Congress axed funding), tax increases on personal, business, and investment income, a strict regulation of the economy and Wall Street that will go way beyond the Sarbanes-Oxley regulations, windfall profit taxes on oil companies (which will be passed right on to the consumer, just like they were the last time they passed such a law), supremacy of unions via the "Employee Free Choice Act" which will end secret ballots in union elections, a cap and trade carbon output control system, more relaxing of voting laws, Congressional representation for the District of Columbia (Democratic of course), a revival of the "Fairness Doctrine" which will attempt to curtail talk radio, and a multitude of handouts for Democratic special interests like trial lawyers and ACORN. Just what this country and our struggling economy need! Read the whole thing, if you can stomach it, and then tell your friends to get out and vote. This thing is far from over!
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