Wotka World Wide

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A short history of ACORN's nutty agenda, written in 2003. It is worth reading to get a real sense of the organization, and how divorced their goals are from reality. Urging cities to pass "living wage" laws that raise taxes and reduce available jobs while suing to prevent minimum wage laws from applying to their own workers, since they couldn't afford the very wages they seek to proscribe for everyone else. They are strongly allied with unions, most clearly teachers' unions, in whose stead they resist any attempts to introduce accountability, privatization, or voucher programs while endorsing a status quo that is driving our inner cities' education systems further into the gutter. They fight for justice against evil corporations, while essentially blackmailing them for donations at the same time. But mention personal responsibility and the effects of illegitimacy on the lower classes and they abstain from commenting. They would rather blame capitalism as their enemy, which is insane, particularly considering the role of capitalism in lifting untold millions out of poverty and into a middle-class existence that so many now take for granted as a given. One of their big issues is unionizing welfare recipients. Seems ridiculous, and yet it is a major goal of theirs. And not to get them off the dole either; rather, they acknowledge that "for a lot of people, it’s not right to force them to work. There should be some type of income support for those who still won’t be able to join the work force.” This is code for perpetual dependency, which helps no one, and bankrupts our already strained system.

The obvious question, then, is why Barack Obama has given so much of his time to this organization, as a lawyer, leader, trainer, and worker. His Project VOTE was funded directly by ACORN as an extension of the organization, yet now he pretends the groups have no relationship. On the various boards he sat on (with Bill Ayers), they directed hundreds of thousands of dollars to ACORN. And now their single biggest political advocate in Washington, who helped steer numerous grants their way, is on the doorstep of the Presidency. And the sad thing is, Obama's biggest supporters couldn't even tell you what he plans to do. Nor do they try and defend his associations; they just ignore the accusations while painting the other side as "racists" peddling "conspiracy theories". I'd truly like to see some of these "conspiracies" debunked, for the sake of the country if he wins, but I won't hold my breath. All while Obama's campaign adopts the tactics of ACORN, using intimidation to drive down the opposition while cramming the ballot box with fraudulent votes (ACORN is under investigation in over a dozen states this election cycle, and have had registrations challenged in nearly every state in past elections), or, failing that, shouting them down. I still don't get how this is a "change" from the politics of the past, and no Obama supporter has ever been able to explain to me how this is so. I imagine I will continue to wait...


  • At October 14, 2008 3:46 PM , Blogger RPM said...

    ACORN's latest shenanigans are outrageous, there is no doubt. But the connection to Obama is flimsy at best. Obama was NOT an employee of ACORN, he was NOT a trainer or a leader or anything else. He was their attorney on one case, alongside the U.S. Justice Department, against The State Of Illinois.

    This "guilt by association tactic is dubious and reeks of Rovian scare tactics. Politics makes strange bedfellows and nothing is stranger than McCain getting into bed with the very people that destroyed him with similar tactics in 2000.


  • At October 14, 2008 10:46 PM , Blogger Michael Wotka said...

    Sorry, but you are wrong. Barack has worked for ACORN, indirectly when he ran Project Vote, which is partially funded by ACORN. The two organizations often work together. Check wikipedia if you don't believe me. Second, he has volunteered his time to train ACORN leaders on numerous occasions. His own statements and photographs from the time confirm it (photo here: http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/10/oops-obama-camp-caught-scrubbing-its.html). He also represented ACORN on another case that you omit, where they sued Citicorp in 1993 over their failure to make "sufficient" loans to sub-prime candidates. Hmm, wonder what helped cause the financial crisis? Then you throw in the fact that he and Bill Ayers funneled hundreds of thousands to ACORN chapters through the Annenberg Challenge and the Woods Fund. The ties are there, and I stand by my statement that Obama is by far the friendliest national politician to ACORN and their ilk. Some would describe them as allies.

    As for the "Rovian tactics", I don't see any problem with bringing up actuals facts about the man's life. I have yet to see any of them refuted. All I hear about is the New York Times claiming right-wingers are sending around emails claiming Obama is a closet Muslim, which is nonsense. No one believes that, and they keep lumping that garbage in with legitimate criticism like the Ayers connections, the ACORN connections, the anti-semitic connections, and on and on. Barack may not believe in all these radical philosophies, but he had no problem using these people to help get him where he is today. This includes his racist anti-semitic pastor as well. It all leads me to question his judgment. I question McCain's some too, with some of his shady advisers, but the man has made a name for himself fighting the excesses of the system, and Obama can make no such claim, despite his hope and change rhetoric.


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