Wotka World Wide

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Senate Goes Wobbly on Card Check, from Kimberely Strassel at the WSJ:

It hasn't been much noticed, but the political ground is already shifting under Big Labor's card-check initiative. The unions poured unprecedented money and manpower into getting Democrats elected; their payoff was supposed to be a bill that would allow them to intimidate more workers into joining unions. The conventional wisdom was that Barack Obama and an unfettered Democratic majority would write that check, lickety-split.

Instead, union leaders now say they are being told card check won't happen soon. It seems the Obama team plans to devote its opening months to important issues, like the economy, and has no intention of jumping straight into the mother of all labor brawls. It also seems Majority Leader Harry Reid, even with his new numbers, might not have what it takes to overcome a filibuster. It's a case study in how quickly a political landscape can change, and how frequently the conventional wisdom is wrong.

Read the whole thing. Hopefully common sense will prevail and they end up killing this legislation, as I can't think of one single thing that will cripple our economy even more than it already is than instituting the Employee Free Choice Act. This has to be the most blatant misnomer for a piece of legislation ever, since it does nothing but eliminate an employee's freedom to choose unionization free from coersion.


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