Wotka World Wide

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A prime example of slanted reporting from Reuters: "Climate change blamed for Caribbean coral deaths." The piece cites a study that blames man-made climate change for the destruction of Caribbean reefs, then goes on to list a variety of other factors that account for the majority of the coral loss. Among them:

The degradation of Caribbean reefs is not entirely linked to climate change, with disease killing about 90 percent of Elkhorn and Staghorn Corals in the 1970s, but a second period of coral destruction is now under way.

New damage is typified by "coral bleaching," which occurs when the tiny organisms that build coral reefs become stressed and abandon their colonies.

"We suggest that the last period of decline is partly due to climate change, but also due to several other human impacts such as over-fishing and coastal development," Alvarez said. "In future, we'll need to change our behavior and reduce the stress on the reefs."

Never let the facts get in the way of a sensationalist headline though.


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