Wotka World Wide

Friday, August 28, 2009

Apparently the AP is now supporting the views of leftist South American governments like Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador over those of the United States and her allies, when it comes to the US providing military assistance to Colombia to deal with FARC. Or at least that is what is implied by their article, which fails to mention entirely that Colombian FARC rebels were funded and given quarter in Venezuelan and Ecuadorean territory- to train and then to go terrorize and kill Colombians in Colombia. Chavez and Correa have both unofficially declared war on Colombia by aiding and abetting these revolutionaries. Yet now they angrily denounce Colombia, suggesting they are instigating an arms race, for bringing some legitimate support to their side of the struggle. Wah wah. They are even questioning why Comrade Obama could oppose their desire for a leftist revolution across Latin America. Let us hope he doesn't come to his senses any time soon.


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