Wotka World Wide

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Here is a run-down of Obama's supposed picks so far for various Administration officials. The Geithner for treasury pick seems pretty good. It marks a continuation of the Bush economic response, which might not make Democratrs all that happy. But Eric Holder for AG is a joke. Check out a little of his career history here; it ain't pretty, especially as regards the Mark Rich pardon. He is also a big Drug War supporter, helping Bill Clinton say he was tough on drugs as a deputy AG. My favorite is former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, who was last heard in the news when he resigned from the presidency of Harvard in 2006 after making comments at a conference giving his reasons why there were so many more men than women in engineering and high-end science positions (among other controversies). However, Summers is a free trade and globalization supporter, which is surprising given Obama's rhetoric during the election, but also somewhat reassuring. Hillary for secretary of state is an interesting idea, if only to see the interplay between her and Obama after a contentious primary. And serious lefties have to be concerned that Obama apparently intends to keep Robert Gates on as Secretary of Defense (a move I like). Daschle for HHS makes me feel sick!


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