Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
There is a bloody spin war over whether card check abolishes the secret ballot or not. Pro-card-check forces insist that it doesn’t. Unfortunately, these voices include many mainstream reporters who consistently use the language preferred by Big Labor. They parrot the labor line that if 30 percent of workers sign a card asking for an election, they can have one.All we can do is hope that a few conservative Democrats prevent the passage of this nonsense. Otherwise, small businesses around the country will be shutting down, and power hungry Teamster bosses will join with the mob to remake employee organization in this country to follow the example of France. Which is just what our economy needs right now.
But this ignores the unions’ crimp tactics. For starters, the cards are written in ways that make “predatory lending” mortgages seem like paragons of full disclosure.
The National Right to Work website shows an example of such a card. In big, bold letters on top, it says “Request for Employees Representation Election.” But after you fill out the relevant info, there’s the small print, authorizing the Teamsters to “represent me in all negotiations of wages, hours and working conditions.”
In other words, in many cases, workers who think they’re just voting for an election are in fact voting for unionization. The unions make it as difficult as possible to do the former without also doing the latter.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Each time Obama got a tough question, he did what sociopathic politicians have done for decades: he lied, dodged, and talked out of both sides of his mouth. The best example of that was near the beginning of the interview when Steve Kroft asked Obama about the AIG bonuses.
Was Obama surprised by the hostility to the AIG bonuses. His answer?
I wasn’t surprised by it. Our team wasn’t surprised by it.
Well, that begs the question: if the Obama administration wasn’t surprised by the furor, why did they work with Chris Dodd to safeguard the bonuses that were in the bill? It just makes no sense. What does Obama expect us to believe? That he thought it would be cathartic for Americans to yell in outrage at his incompetence, so his administration made sure the bonuses, the same ones he later criticized, were included in the stimulus for that reason? These are the sort of very obvious bald-faced lies that Democrats like Barack Obama are perpetually allowed to get away with by sympathetic liberal reporters who don’t want to make “their side” look bad.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Bankers on Wall Street and in Europe have struck back against moves by US lawmakers to slap punitive taxes on bonuses paid to high earners at bailed-out institutions.
Senior executives on both sides of the Atlantic on Friday warned of an exodus of talent from some of the biggest names in US finance, saying the “anti-American” measures smacked of “a McCarthy witch-hunt” that would send the country “back to the stone age”.
There were fears that the backlash triggered by AIG’s payment of $165m in bonuses to executives responsible for losses that forced a $170bn taxpayer-funded rescue would have devastating consequences for the largest banks.
“Finance is one of America’s great industries, and they’re destroying it,” said one banker at a firm that has accepted public money. “This happened out of haste and anger over AIG, but we’re not like AIG.”
Why do the politicians in Washington seem hell bent on further driving our economy into the ground? All because of some fake outrage from those who knew all along what was coming, and even wrote provisions protecting these bonuses into the February stimulus bill. Get used to this kind of governance in the future from our leaders; fake outrage over a manufactured crisis followed by rash and poorly planned legislative responses that have vast unintended consequences. And this doesn't even cover all the nonsense Congress passed on the sly while the talking heads were following their directives and focusing solely on bonuses and Cramer vs. Stewart. See for a roundup of these excesses. Thanks to Instapundit for the initial link, and be sure to read the whole thing.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
On Monday, March 16, 2009, Yao Fuxin (姚福信), a long-time labor activist, was released from Lingyuan No. 2 Prison, Liaoning Province, after completing his seven-year term on conviction of “subversion of state power.” In March 2002, Yao was detained after speaking at a two-day peaceful demonstration involving at least 5,000 workers from six factories in Liaoyang, Liaoning Province, to demand back wages and pension payments. Yao’s initial charge of “gathering a crowd to disrupt social order” was later changed to the more serious charge of subversion, a charge based on his alleged involvement in the banned China Democracy Party. During trial, the court accepted the prosecution’s charge that Yao organized labor activities even after his detention.Note his treatment in prison:
During his detention and imprisonment, Yao suffered two heart attacks and a stroke. In the Liaoyang Detention Center, he and 19 other inmates were made to sleep on one bed. There, a guard named Lang arranged for two death-row prisoners to watch Yao. Every time Yao closed his eyes to sleep, the two prisoners would step on him. Yao went hungry often as there was not enough to eat. Vegetables were not washed before cooking, so he ate vegetables caked with mud.Read the whole thing, and remember it next time you are buying goods made in China. Also worth considering is why Hillary Clinton has indicated she will de-emphasize human rights in contacts with China.
HRIC also learned that in late 2002 and early 2003, as the weather got cold, Yao did not have enough clothing or warm bedding. He was placed near an open window, and often he would wake up covered with snow. When he requested permission to ask his family to bring him money so that he could buy bedding for the winter months, prison officials told him they could not get through to his family by phone.
According to sources close to Yao, Yao expressed that he felt it was his duty to fight for the interests of the people and the country, and that what he suffered was a price he was willing to pay.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Name | Office | Total Contributions |
Dodd, Chris (D-CT) | Senate | $103,100 |
Obama, Barack (D-IL) | Senate | $101,332 |
McCain, John (R-AZ) | Senate | $59,499 |
Clinton, Hillary (D-NY) | Senate | $35,965 |
Baucus, Max (D-MT) | Senate | $24,750 |
Romney, Mitt (R) | Pres | $20,850 |
Biden, Joseph R Jr (D-DE) | Senate | $19,975 |
Larson, John B (D-CT) | House | $19,750 |
Sununu, John E (R-NH) | Senate | $18,500 |
Giuliani, Rudolph W (R) | Pres | $13,200 |
Kanjorski, Paul E (D-PA) | House | $12,000 |
Durbin, Dick (D-IL) | Senate | $11,000 |
Perlmutter, Edwin G (D-CO) | House | $10,500 |
Rangel, Charles B (D-NY) | House | $9,000 |
Edwards, John (D) | Pres | $7,850 |
POLITICO contacted nearly three dozen current JList members for this story. The majority either declined to comment or didn’t respond to interview requests — and then returned to JList to post items on why they wouldn’t be talking to POLITICO about what goes on there.Next time you wonder where the left gets all their lock-step talking points, you know where they probably originated. Left unsaid is who from the White House is involved. Or the mainstream media.
For all its high-profile membership — which includes Nobel Prize-winning columnist Paul Krugman; staffers from Newsweek, POLITICO, Huffington Post, The New Republic, The Nation and The New Yorker; policy wonks, academics and bloggers such as Klein and Matthew Yglesias — JList itself has received almost no attention from the media.
A LexisNexis search for JournoList reveals exactly nothing. Slate’s Mickey Kaus, a nonmember, may be the only professional writer to have referred to it “in print” more than once — albeit dismissively, as the “Klein Klub.”
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
More than one out of every five dollars of the $126 million Massachusetts is receiving in earmarks from a $410 billion federal spending package is going to help preserve the legacy of the Kennedys.The bill includes $5.8 million for the planning and design of a building to house a new Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the Senate. The funding may also help support an endowment for the institute.
The Senate project apparently will feature a replica of the U.S. Senate and feature training (??) for new Senators. I wonder if it will have a memorial of the Chappaquiddick incident? Or any mention of Mary Jo Kopechne, the poor woman Teddy left to drown after he swam ashore and didn't report the accident until the following morning (of course he got off with a suspended sentence). The arrogance of those in power knows no bounds (John Kerry in particular, as he is the sponsor of this nonsense). And it isn't like we are having a budget crisis or anything...
Via Instapundit.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of China's suppression of the Tibetan uprising. This year, Tibetans in Tibet and in exile have noted this event by observing the normally festive Tibetan New Year, or Losar, as a time of mourning and remembrance. Unable to tolerate even this mild protest, the Chinese government has ordered Tibetans to attend state-sponsored celebrations and has ramped up security. On Feb. 27, a monk in a Tibetan area of Sichuan province set himself on fire after the authorities blocked his monastery from conducting Losar prayers. Chinese police shot him three times while he was on fire, though state media now claim he's alive in a hospital. It seems clear Beijing intends to maintain its current hardline approach to Tibet.
Compounding matters, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's dismissive comments about the limits of diplomacy in advancing human rights last month will likely be seen in Beijing as tacit permission to do what it feels necessary to maintain "stability" on the Tibetan plateau. In the coming months, Secretary Clinton may find that her glib remarks served to exacerbate the human rights crisis in Tibet and undercut America's ability to use diplomacy to address it.
And then there is the example of former President Bush's leadership on the issue, focusing on standing for human rights:
President Bush also made a point of formally meeting with the Dalai Lama in May 2001 and several more times, which broke with his predecessor's insulting practice of "dropping by" the Tibetan leader's scheduled meetings with the U.S. Vice President. The Chinese got the message, and in September 2002, they hosted the Dalai Lama's envoys for the first of eight rounds of talks. While these talks have failed to achieve results to date, China would never have entered into them without pressure from the U.S. -- particularly the direct diplomacy of senior administration officials up to and including the President. In October 2007, the U.S. Congress also awarded the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal, one of the American government's highest civilian honor. That event was quietly celebrated by Tibetans in Tibet and served to underline American support for their struggle. Although the Chinese vehemently complained about the Gold Medal -- particularly President Bush's highly visible role in the awards ceremony -- the overall U.S.-China relationship was unharmed.How is this not the liberal position? Look to see if President Obama meets with the Dalai Lama in the coming years as an indication of how he really feels on human rights in China.
Scholars in the most prestigious Islamic institutes and universities continue to teach things like Jews are "pigs and monkeys," that women and men must be stoned to death for adultery, or that Muslims must fight the world to spread their religion. Isn't, then, [Geert] Wilders's criticism appropriate? Instead of blaming him, we must blame the leading Islamic scholars for having failed to produce an authoritative book on Islamic jurisprudence that is accepted in the Islamic world and unambiguously rejects these violent teachings.
While many religious texts preach violence, the interpretation, modern usage and implementation of these teachings make all the difference. For example, the stoning of women exists in both the Old Testament and in the Islamic tradition, or "Sunna" -- the recorded deeds and manners of the prophet Muhammad. The difference, though, is that leading Jewish scholars agreed to discontinue these practices centuries ago, while Muslim scholars have yet to do so. Hence we do not see the stoning of women practiced or promoted in Israel, the "Jewish" state, but we see it practiced and promoted in Iran and Saudi Arabia, the "Islamic" states.
From Tawfik Hamid, at the WSJ. Note that Mr. Hamid is "a former member of an Egyptian Islamist terrorist group, is an Islamic reformer and senior fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies."
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Then there is the issue of conservative Democrats in the House turning against the new liberal agenda. They are usually from more conservative districts and realize that they might get voted out if they keep going along with all this reckless spending (especially without even reading it). So Obama's own party and supporters may end up derailing his agenda. Funny how that works.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Monday, March 02, 2009
President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge against congressional earmarks and sign a budget bill laden with millions in lawmakers' pet projects, administration officials said.
The House last week passed the measure that would keep the government running through Sept. 30, when the federal budget year ends. Taxpayers for Common Sense, a watchdog group, identified almost 8,600 earmarks totaling $7.7 billion; Democrats say the number is $3.8 billion.
Obama's top hands assigned responsibility to their predecessors and President George W. Bush. Blaming Bush-era proposals for deficits, Obama wanted to set up his own budget that would start Oct. 1, which he proposed last week with a bold goal of cutting the deficit by half within his four-year term.
"First, this is a $1.7 trillion deficit he inherited. Let's be clear about that. We inherited this deficit and we inherited $4 trillion of new debt," Emanuel said. "That is the facts."
Wow. Just wow. Bush left office with a $459 billion deficit from last year. Obama signs an absolutely massive "stimulus" bill, a health insurance expansion and a massively bloated budget, all authored by Democrats, and it is somehow a "fact" that it is all Bush's fault. While breaking another campaign promise along the way. What unbelievable double-speak from Rahm Emanuel. This just goes to show that Obama is letting Congressional Democrats dictate the agenda, not leading with his agenda. Hope this is the change America wanted.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
This uncertainty has led to an undertandable reluctance on the part of sovereign investment funds to make new investments abroad, especially in foreign financial firms, which has increased the uncertainty for organizations like Citigroup. Hence the U.S. government's move to buy up a larger stake in the company to keep it solvent. The big investors seem committed to Citigroup, but everyone else is jumping ship and getting what they can for the stock, which has caused its massive decline. Citigroup is perhaps the most at-risk financial company out there, and their continued struggles will doubtless mirror continued uncertainty in the greater financial markets throughout this year and the next.